Archives de aagbonon

IMF Staff Concludes Visit to Benin


November 23, 2021 8:29 pm | Leave your thoughts

Strong macroeconomic fundamentals entering COVID-19 provided Benin with much-needed fiscal space and continuous access to financing, which helped expand economic activity by 3.8 percent in 2020, one of the strongest growth rates among developing countries.A robust economic recovery is underway, with the normalization of merchandise traffic at the Port of Cotonou—one of Benin’s main economic...

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Museum of the Epic of the Amazons and the Kings of Danhomè and enhancement of the Palatial site of Abomey: Benin signs a financing agreement with AFD


June 4, 2021 6:24 pm | Leave your thoughts

The Minister of State in charge of the Economy and Finance and his colleague in charge of culture, proceeded on Thursday, June 3, 2021 in Cotonou, to the signing of a financing agreement with France represented by its Ambassador in Benin and the Director General of the French Development Agency (AFD). It is within the...

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BRVM Awards 2021: Minister Romuald WADAGNI winner of the BRVM and DCBR Special Prize


April 19, 2021 3:20 pm | Leave your thoughts

The Sofitel Hôtel Ivoire d’Abidjan hosted on Saturday April 10, 2021 the second edition of the BRVM Awards. An opportunity to reward most deserving financial market players. In the presence of authorities of the eight WAEMU countries, regulators, stakeholders in generally finances and observers, an independent jury whose results are certified by a judicial officer,...

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Digitization of public administration: team building and review of reforms at the MEF


December 10, 2020 11:27 am | Leave your thoughts

The Directorate of Information Systems of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) organized Monday 07 December 2020 at the Golden Tulip the Diplomate Hôtel de Cotonou its “Team bulding 2020” seminar to assess and take stock of the digital reforms induced by the Ministry…. “Digital transformation and experience users / customers: challenges and perspectives...

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State Budget: Parliament approves 2452 billion 2021


December 9, 2020 2:16 pm | Leave your thoughts

It is unanimously of the deputies present and represented this Tuesday 08 December 2020 at the Governors Palace in Porto-Novo that the vote of general state budget, management 2021 has been voted. An amount of 2,452,192,000,000 FCFA put to the disposition of the Government for its policy in various fields. What focused attention, this is...

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DSI Team Building Seminar 2020


December 4, 2020 4:44 pm | Leave your thoughts

THEME: Digital transformation and user / customer experience: challenges and perspectives GOALS Take stock of the digital transformation of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance – Present the major innovations since 2016 (Taxes and Taxes, Customs, Budget, Treasury, Financial Control, Land, etc. Develop a collective action plan to improve the user / customer experience...

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Doing Business: Benin becomes world No. 1 in business creation according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).


December 3, 2020 3:46 pm | Leave your thoughts

9 months after the launch of the online business creation platform mon by the Agency of Promotion of Investments and Exports (APIEx), Benin becomes N ° 1 world in the ease and speed to create a company in front of the New Zealand, Georgia and Hong Kong, China. Indeed, according to an article posted...

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Seizures of counterfeit drugs and medical equipment: Benin customs performance hailed by the WCO


October 7, 2020 9:10 am | Leave your thoughts

In the response to COVID-19, customs administrations play a big role. The World Customs Organization (WCO) presented this Tuesday, October 06, 2020 through a webinar the results of Operation OMD STOP on the illicit trafficking of drugs and medical equipment linked to COVID-19. The Beninese customs administration performed well, rising to 13th place out of...

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New methods of remitting pension records: The Ministry of the Economy and Finance already ready to make life easier for retirees


September 18, 2020 12:38 pm | Leave your thoughts

The Council of Ministers in its meeting of Wednesday September 16, 2020, approved, among other files, the new methods of remitting retirement pension books to taxable persons of the National Pension Fund of Benin (FNRB). A reform that aims to put end to the harassment imposed on retired by the administration. The President’s Government Patrice...

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Economy and Finance: Minister Romuald WADAGNI explains the latest performances recorded by Benin


July 13, 2020 12:06 am | Leave your thoughts

The Yellow River room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation served as a framework this Friday, July 10, 2020, to a press conference hosted by the Minister of Economy and Finance Romuald Wadagni. The objective of this outing is to re-specify and explain the implications of the latest performances achieved by the Beninese...

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Nathalie Picarelli, Economist at the World Bank: “Benin has the second best Cpia score in Africa in terms of economic management”


July 6, 2020 11:46 am | Leave your thoughts

Benin has made progress in assessing the policy and national institutions (Country Policy and Institutional Assessment-Cpia) published a few days ago by the World Bank. The country’s overall Cpia score fell from 3.5 in 2019 to 3.6 in 2020, a first increase in this score during the decade 2010-2020. Nathalie Picarelli, economist at the World...

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Support for local communities: the government obtains 6.5 billion from German Cooperation


June 12, 2020 7:50 pm | Leave your thoughts

The government through the Minister of the Economy and finance Romuald Wadagni signed the contract for financing between Germany and Benin for the fifth phase of its Support program for the Municipal Development Fund (FADeC). The ceremony took place this Friday, June 12, 2020 at the Ministry of economy and finance. This additional financial support...

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Benin: Champion of Francophone Africa in terms of budget transparency


May 4, 2020 9:46 am | Leave your thoughts

Benin’s prowess in terms of transparency and the quality of budget information has just been recognized again internationally. Indeed, the last 2019 report of the Open Budget Survey (OBS) of Open Budget Initiative , has just established Benin, champion of French-speaking Africa in terms of budget transparency. Investigation on the Open Budget, an independent evaluation...

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A Ministry of the Economy and Finance 2.0 to ensure business continuity


May 4, 2020 9:39 am | Leave your thoughts

Beyond its health and economic impacts, COVID-19 also affects the normal functioning of businesses and public administrations. These entities must now adapt by reviewing their production processes as well as their working methods. Business continuity must be ensured while respecting the social distancing measures imposed by the response against COVID-19. At the Ministry of the...

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