, | 01/28/2019
The mobilization of resources for the #PAG has just taken a big step: signature today by the Minister of Finance Romuald WADAGNI of a loan agreement of 10 billion CFA francs from the Kuwait Fund relating to the financing of the project to strengthen the...
, | 01/25/2019
The provisions of the General Tax Code prescribe the subscription of the declaration of existence to the tax services for any company within thirty (30) days of its declaration.   As of February 1, 2019, this declaration will be made on the occasion of the...
, | 01/23/2019
The need to strengthen the development planning system with a view to achieving the Benin-2025 Alafia Vision, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Africa's 2063 agenda led the Government to adopt in Council of Ministers, on July 27, 2016, a roadmap for the development of...
, | 01/20/2019
Meeting in Cotonou on Friday January 18, 2019, the Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr. Romuald WADAGNI and Dr. John ANDRIANARISATA, Resident Representative of the ADB Group, signed two loan agreements relating to the financing of the Djougou-Péhunco-Kérou-Banikoara road development and asphalting project.   With...
, | 01/16/2019
As part of obtaining the tax discharge for the legislative elections of April 28, 2019, the Director General of Taxes invites all potential candidates who do not yet have a Unique Tax Identifier (IFU) to register directly online, during the period from January 16 to...
, | 01/11/2019
The Republic of Benin has entered into a financing agreement for a total amount of 127M € (83 billion CFA Francs) with a leading international bank. This loan benefits from a partial guarantee from the World Bank and its funds will be entirely devoted to...
, | 01/04/2019
In November 2018, the Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) remained robust, showing an improvement in activity in the United States, the Euro Zone and China. However, according to the IMF, global growth is expected to slow down to 3.7% in 2018 from 3.8% in 2017.
, | 01/04/2019
Ladies and Gentlemen, members of the Cabinet of the Minister of the Economy and Finance; Ladies and Gentlemen, General and Central Directors of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance; Ladies and Gentlemen, Directors of Administration and Finance; Ladies and Gentlemen, Directors of Programming and...
, | 12/24/2018
On December 21, 2018, the international financial rating agency Standard & Poor's confirmed the B + rating assigned to the Republic of Benin with a stable outlook. It thus ranks Benin second among African countries, at the same level as Senegal and Kenya. This assessment...
| 12/15/2018
The Director of the Cabinet of the Minister of Economy and Finance, Hermann Orou TAKOU, appointed to the Council of Ministers on December 12, officially took office yesterday at the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Cotonou. It was through a ceremony of handover between...
, | 12/12/2018
The global economy is slowing its momentum, According to the October 2018 revisions of the IMF's World Economic Outlook (WEO), the global economy is slowing its momentum compared to the initial forecasts for the year 2018. world is expected to reach 3.7% in 2018 against...
, | 12/12/2018
The Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) intends to select a consultant (firm) for the assessment of the integrity of the Information Technology Infrastructures of ECOWAS and needs in terms of capacity of Community Computing Centers.   Download the Notice of...
| 12/12/2018
Meeting at the Tiama hotel in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, 120 financial decision-makers appointed the Minister of Economy and Finance of Benin, Romuald WADAGNI, as the Minister of Finance of the year 2018. The 2018 edition of Financial Afrik Awards started...
, | 11/30/2018
This is a first for the Tax Administration. Under the impetus of the Director General of Taxes, Nicolas YENOUSSI, a team of the general management hosted, on November 27 and 28, 2018, a stand whose main attraction is the online services offered to taxpayers. It...
, | 11/27/2018
  The launch of the 2018 edition of the financial inclusion week in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) took place this Monday, November 26, 2018 at the headquarters of the Central Bank of African States of the 'West (BCEAO), in the presence...
| 11/16/2018
The activities of the commemoration of the 45th anniversary of BOAD started this Wednesday, November 14, 2018 in Lomé with a forum on the theme: solar energy in the WAEMU economies, inventory, issues and policies. During the launching ceremony of this forum, Minister Romuald WADAGNI...
| 10/28/2018
Joint press briefing by the Minister of the Economy and Finance Mr. Romuald Wadagni and Mr. Luc Eyraud, Head of Mission B Video of the joint press briefing by the Minister of the Economy and Finance Mr. Romuald Wadagni and Mr. Luc Eyraud, Head of...
, | 10/25/2018
In execution of the mission entrusted to us by decree N ° 2016-209 of 04 April 2016, we present to you our report on the draft financial statements for the Beninese Port Handling Company (SOBEMAP), for the fiscal year ended on December 31, 2017.
, | 10/24/2018
Pursuant to the mission entrusted to us by decree No. 2016-209 of April 4, 2016, we audited the financial statements relating to the year ended December 31, 2017.    
| 10/18/2018
The Ministry of the Economy and Finance provides you with the citizen version of the Draft Finance Law, Management 2019. It should be noted that the Government has several priorities for next year in order to continue to improve the living conditions of Beninese people....
, | 10/18/2018
The Republic of Benin announces the successful raising from an international bank for a total amount of 260M € (171 billion CFA Francs). This very innovative operation led by the Ministry of Economy and Finance demonstrates Benin's ability to attract private international investors. “This is...
, | 10/18/2018
The Ministry of the Economy and Finance provides you with the citizen version of the Draft Finance Law, Management 2019. It should be noted that the Government has several priorities for next year in order to continue to improve the living conditions of Beninese people.
, | 10/17/2018
Recruitment of an individual consultant to develop an evidence-based policy formulation guide for the West African Health Organization.  
, | 10/15/2018
The Directorate General of Economic Affairs (DGAE) is launching a call for submission of articles to be published in volume 4 of the Revue d'Analyse des Politiques Economiques et Financières (RAPEF).
, | 10/15/2018
Periodic reports on the progress of the Public Investment Program (PIP) represent the basis for assessing the achievement levels of development projects and programs in Benin. They help to take appropriate decisions, to provide appropriate solutions to the shortcomings observed, to anticipate and engage citizens...