, | 05/14/2019
The Minister of Economy and Finance Romuald Wadagni proceeded this Friday, May 07, 2019 to the signing of three financing agreements of the African Development Bank Group. These are the Support Project for the Development of the Cashew Sector and Agricultural Entrepreneurship (PADEFA-ENA) and the...
, | 05/10/2019
The Regional Integration Monitoring Unit provides you with an expression of interest notice relating to the selection of a firm for the ex post evaluation of the implementation of the SAP system.   Download the AMI HERE
, | 05/07/2019
Invited by his French counterpart, Bruno Lemaire, the Beninese Minister of Economy and Finance Mr. Romuald Wadagni will participate this Tuesday, May 7, 2019 in Paris, in a high-level conference on financing for development. "Sustainable debt for sustainable growth." It is around this theme that...
, | 05/07/2019
The joint press briefing by the Minister of the Economy and Finance, Romuald Wadagni with Mr. Luc EYRAUD, IMF head of delegation, at the end of his review in Benin .
, | 04/29/2019
With a view to the effective implementation of its sectoral programs, ECOWAS has undertaken a structural and organizational reform and seeks to recruit capable, qualified candidates and nationals of ECOWAS Member States, in the following fields:   Download the notice below
, | 04/23/2019
About thirty heads of village savings and loan associations in the town of Grand-Popo benefited from a training session on conflict prevention and management on Tuesday, March 26. This activity is the initiative of the Peace and Security Network for Women in the ECOWAS region...
, | 04/19/2019
As part of the Public Service Thursday of April 18, 2019, find in free download on the website of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance through the summary document of:   administrative procedures and formalities to be carried out; processing times, service costs; Documents...
, | 04/17/2019
Beninese economy: REMARKABLE PERFORMANCE The Minister of Economy and Finance, Mr. Romuald Wadagni, through a very enriching exchange, explains the progress of the Beninese economy.
, | 04/05/2019
The total revenue of the financial authorities for the month of January 2017 decreased by FCFA 1.82 billion compared to the same month of 2016, a decrease of 3.2%. The evolution of performance based on seasonal coefficients reveals that the financial authorities did not meet...
, | 03/26/2019
The special Codir, organized this Monday, March 25, 2019, at the Ministry of the Economy and Finance allowed the national treasurer, Romuald WADAGNI to explain to his direct collaborators, general managers and others, the process of successful mobilization of 500 million euros, or 328 billion...
, | 03/22/2019
The Republic of Benin today proceeded with the first international bond issue in its history. This issue will allow the financing of flagship projects of the Government's Action Program.   From March 12 to 18, the Minister of Economy and Finance of the Republic of...
, | 03/21/2019
The ECOWAS Commission has allocated its own funds to finance the construction of phase II of the ECOWAS logistics depot in Lungi, Republic of Sierra Leone.   The ECOWAS Commission therefore invites all interested bidders to submit their dossier under closed envelopes, for the construction...
, | 03/11/2019
Improving the business climate and making the private sector a growth vector for the development of Benin, and thinking about Beninese growth for a better shared prosperity, are among others the objectives targeted by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Romuald Wadagni, by organizing this...
, | 03/11/2019
Documentary by the CoP-GRD Benin foundation on the RRIs 2018 with the support of the German Cooperation
, | 03/06/2019
The vision of the Head of State, His Excellency Patrice TALON, reflected in the Government's Action Program (PAG) 2016-2021 is to relaunch in a sustainable way the economic and social development of the country. This vision implies a commitment and efforts which go through the...
, | 02/26/2019
As part of the implementation of its Action Program, the Government has decided to liquidate, to the general public, social and economic housing not allocated under the 10,000 housing program managed by the Housing Land Agency (AFH ). To this end, social and economic housing...
| 02/08/2019
Benin and IFAD together to boost food and nutrition security and create jobs for rural populations Rome, February 8, 2019 - Over 51,000 vulnerable rural households in Benin will benefit from a USD 104.4 million project that aims to reduce rural poverty through an agricultural...
, | 02/07/2019
The interconnection between Beninese and Nigerien customs is now a reality. Flagship reform thought out and wanted by the two sister administrations and long remained a true sea serpent, this interconnection finally saw the light of day under the leadership of Colonel SACCA BOCO Inoussa...
, | 02/06/2019
A mission of the Commission of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) led by its President Mr. Abdallah BOUREÏMA was in the morning of this Tuesday, February 05, 2019 at the Office of the President of the Republic, Mr. Patrice TALON. Bearer of...
, | 02/05/2019
❓ Ask your questions to Mr. Nicolas YENOUSSI, Director General of Taxes ❓   He will answer them during the 5th #AskGouvBenin session which will take place on Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 5 p.m. (Cotonou time) and which focuses on the theme: "Tax measures...
, | 02/04/2019
While the World Bank's resources for low-income countries have never been greater, they still pale in comparison with these countries' needs. Governments always need to make hard choices between infrastructure needs, social programs, and fiscal discipline. One country was recently able to strike the right...
, | 02/02/2019
The Government of His Excellency, President Patrice Talon launches the digital cadastre of Benin at the address: cadastre.bj   Plot owners in the Republic of Benin, The Ministry of Economy and Finance through the National Estate and Land Agency (ANDF) therefore now invites you to...
, | 01/30/2019
In December 2018, the Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI0) remained robust, showing an improvement in activity in the United States, the Euro Zone, China and Nigeria. However, according to the IMF, global growth should reach 3.7% in 2018 as in 2017. Please download the attached document.
| 01/29/2019
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED   Topographic survey or simple plan Deed of presumption of ownership (Certificate of Customary Detention for non-subdivided areas or Proof of Resettlement in subdivided areas or tax notice for the last 3 years) Rights confirmation request form Provision (5 copies of the receipt...