Archives de fbatonon

eurobond ODD 2023 impact report


October 13, 2023 1:18 pm | Leave your thoughts

The 2023 edition of the impact report provides an update on the main achievements and final beneficiaries of the projects, programmes and eligible expenditure financed by Benin’s SDG Eurobond funds. It has been prepared with the participation of all stakeholders and is the result of joint input from, among others, the Management Units of the...

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BENIN Sustainable Development Report 2023


July 18, 2023 4:37 pm | Leave your thoughts

The “Benin Sustainable Development Report 2023” is the second in a series of reports produced as part of the partnership between the Government of Benin and the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) (box 1). This edition was prepared by the SDSN’s newly created SDG Transformation Centre. This report aims to present the performance...

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Interview with the SDSN Head of Mission


March 7, 2023 10:06 am | Leave your thoughts

I am Eve de la Mothe Karoubi, Head of Networks and Director of the Benin Project between my institution which is the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and the government of Benin. What are the objectives of this second mission to Benin? My colleague and I are delighted to have the opportunity to return on...

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Finance law 2023


December 25, 2022 8:54 am | Leave your thoughts

The National Assembly has adopted the finance law for management 2023. Of the 3,033.337 billion FCFA authorized by the deputies, more than 1,000 billion FCFA address social issues with a prospect of economic growth of 6.5% . Download the 2023 finance law

Sanitation of cities and support for the response to Covid-19: two financings of 91.7 billion signed between the EIB and Benin


May 20, 2021 3:39 pm | Leave your thoughts

This Thursday, May 20, 2021 was held at Sèmè One the ceremony of confirmation of the signing of financing contracts relating to projects “Rainwater sanitation in the cities of Benin” and “health response against Covid-19 ”. It was face-to-face with three members of the Beninese government, the Ambassador, Head of the EU Delegation then by...

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Summit on the financing of African economies: Full interview with Romuald WADAGNI on RFI (Transcript)


May 19, 2021 2:58 pm | Leave your thoughts

Beninese Minister of Economy and Finance Romuald WADAGNI on Rfi this Wednesday, May 19, 2021, interviewed by Christophe BOISBOUVIER. On the menu, the meeting in Paris, international financial solidarity for the benefit of developing countries, debt, the sustainability of this debt, the necessary good governance. Read the full interview with Patrice TALON’s representative at the...

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Improvement of the business climate: reforms for the resolution of commercial disputes in Benin


May 7, 2021 9:07 am | Leave your thoughts

The many innovations contained in the provisions of the Law on the Modernization of Justice (LMJ) in Benin, were presented yesterday at private sector and Beninese justice actors at the Novotel Orisha in Cotonou. It is thanks to an Afterwork co-organized by the Sévérin ministers QUENUM from Justice and Legislation, and Romuald WADAGNI from Economy...

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Benin mobilizes 326 million euros for the modernization and strengthening of the national electricity transmission and distribution network


April 2, 2021 12:03 pm | Leave your thoughts

The Republic of Benin, represented by the Minister of Economy and Finance Romuald Wadagni, signed today a Credit Agreement with the international bank Natixis and benefiting from the guarantee of the French export credit agency Bpifrance Assurance Export. This operation constitutes the largest export financing ever mobilized by Benin. The country is thus once again...

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Moodys rating agency raises Benin’s rating to B1- stable


March 11, 2021 11:27 pm | Leave your thoughts

The international financial rating agency Moody’s announced on March 9 the upgrading of the rating of the Republic of Benin from “B2 with positive outlook” to “B1 with stable outlook”. This adjustment is the first rating improvement by Moody’s for an African country since the start of the Covid-19 crisis. This decision reflects in particular...

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Benin, the first country to benefit from a “stable” to “positive” outlook revision from the FITCH agency since the start of the Covid-19 crisis.


February 15, 2021 10:58 am | Leave your thoughts

The rating agency Fitch improves the rating outlook for Benin to “B / Positive”: the agency’s first “stable” to “positive” outlook revision on the rating of a sovereign since the start of the pandemic The international financial rating agency Fitch has raised the rating outlook for the Republic of Benin from “stable” to “positive”, making...

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Circular on the terms of application of the fiscal provisions of the finance law for 2021 management


January 9, 2021 8:11 am | Leave your thoughts

Law n ° 2020-33 of December 24, 2020, on the finance law for the 2021 management, introduced measures granting tax advantages for the benefit of households and businesses but also measures to reduce, improve and modernize the tax system which are in line with the Government’s policy and the strategic vision of the tax administration....

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Organization of the 2021 presidential election: 14,416,959,243 CFA francs adopted as budget


December 28, 2020 11:20 am | Leave your thoughts

The budget for the organization of the presidential election April 2021 is known. It was adopted this Wednesday, December 23, 202 after work in budget committee held by the National Electoral Commission Autonomous (CENA) in conjunction with the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. In total 14,416,959,243 CFA francs will be made available to institutions...

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Digital transformation of the administration: reflections at the MEF for the conservation and security of electronic archives


December 22, 2020 4:49 pm | Leave your thoughts

Executives from the Ministry of the economy and finance (MEF) met this Tuesday, December 22, 2020 at the conference room of their institution to reflect on the issues of archive management in an increasingly digital context. “Digital transformation of public administration and archives management ”, this is the chosen theme for the work of this...

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SEMO: The platform for better management of official missions


November 20, 2020 10:33 am | Leave your thoughts

Reforms within the framework of the consolidation of public finances and the rigorous monitoring of administration continues with the launch this Thursday, November 19, 2020, of the multi-stakeholder and multifunctional web application of the official missions (SEMO). The ceremony took place at the Yellow River room of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The SEMO platform,...

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