The implementation of the general budget of the State fiscal year 2021 has was launched this Thursday, January 07, 2021. Due to compliance with barrier measures against the spread of COVID-19, it is by videoconference that the launch ceremony took place. Thus executives of the Ministry of the Economy and of Finance, actors in the chain of public expenditure and others participated in the ceremony to learn about guidelines for the execution of the general state budget. “The consumption of appropriations in the 2021 management budget should follow the same benchmarks as in 2020. Indeed, with the pursuit of the double order and its extension to decentralized administrations, your services respective companies are called upon to ensure, in addition to the classic operations of consumption of credits in SIGFiP, entry of execution data by program in the new Public Finance Management Information System (SIGFP). »Thus addressed the actors of the public expenditure chain, Hermann Orou TAKOU Chief of Staff of the Minister of the Economy and Finance, launching the budget in place and place of Minister Romuald Wadagni. He invited them to follow the orientations and directives that the services of the ministry will communicate to them for the implementation of public action under management 2021. The finance law for 2021 management is built on based on the profile defined for the various budgetary aggregates in the law of amending finances for the 2020 management, which takes into account the perceptible implications of the crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It has remained in line with the benchmarks of current fiscal policy in Benin since April 2016, namely: rationalization of public expenditure, expansion of the tax base, securing budgetary revenues, strengthening the transparency of public financial operations, efficiency, etc. The Director General of the Budget (DGB), Rodrigue Chaou, the occasion, proceeded to a general presentation of the instructions and modalities State budget execution, management 2021. These can be summed up in release of credits; management of credit carry-overs; new mechanism provision of funds for the benefit of the Communes; ban on the use of public funds to finance the preparation missions management accounts and related software installation assignments; charging for the year 2021 of rental charges on leases administrative on the budget of beneficiary services; supervision of risk mapping development process by ministries sectoral; obligation to seek the prior opinion of the DGB before benefit from additional advantages (in cash, inactive securities, in nature) in the event of a combination of functions, then rules governing the recipes. For a better execution of this budget, the actors of the expenditure chain received recommendations to quickly comply with their Work Plan annual (PTA) to the budget or vice versa and make it available on time; validate and publish it via the web portal public procurement; then finally to regularize the POs issued in 2020 as well as expenditure incurred in advance in the education sector and foreign Affairs ; ideally in the complementary period of one month. It should be remembered that the 2021 budget, balanced in resources and expenses in the sum of 2452,192 billion FCFA, is structured as follows: – Expenses ordinary: 1068.427 billion FCFA; – Expenses in capital: FCFA 596.842 billion; – Charges of treasury: CFAF 671.963 billion; – Funds National Pension Plan of Benin: 97,000 billion FCFA; – Account of special allocation: 17.960 billion FCFA.