The government has just taken a major decision in favor of small and medium-sized businesses or industries. They will benefit from free electricity connection. The announcement of this measure, which aims to improve the business climate in Benin, was made this Thursday, January 30 in Cotonou, by the director general of the Beninese Electric Power Company (Sbee), Jacques Paradis. Free connection to electricity for small and medium-sized businesses or industries with consumption needs between 140 and 160 Kva. This is the decision the government has just taken to promote the emergence of these businesses, which provide wealth and jobs. “The concern is the promotion of investment and this is only the first act,” says Ilyass Sina, technical advisor in the reform department at the Ministry of the Economy and Finance. According to him, this action is an open door to investors and, in turn, will allow the economy to prosper. It will allow “the bailout of the state fund, the creation of jobs,” he says. The connection to electricity is no longer an obstacle to the installation of any company that needs this energy capacity which was expensive and which prevented many investors from settling in Benin. They will now have to face only their consumption bills. According to Jacques Paradis, director general of the Beninese Electric Power Company, this is a government vision that has just been realized. For him, Sbee intends to be at the forefront of modern companies offering quality services through the elimination of load shedding, the stability of the electrical voltage, the increase in self-production capacity and the supply of energy, dematerialization of the quote request … According to Jacques Paradis, director general of the Beninese Electric Power Company, this is a government vision that has just been realized. For him, the SBEE intends to be at the forefront of modern companies offering quality services through the elimination of load shedding, the stability of the electrical voltage, the increase in self-production capacity and the supply of energy, dematerialization of the quote request …