Description of the mission Under the responsibility of the Expertise France headquarters (Paris), and in close collaboration with ARAA and ECOWAS, the coordinator ensures full-time and throughout the duration of the program, the overall coordination of the project. He / she is the guarantor of the achievement of the contractual objectives set between Expertise France and the European Union. He must ensure that all the activities necessary for the proper execution of the program are implemented. Throughout the program, the coordinator will work in close collaboration with the Expertise France team based in Paris, made up of a project manager assigned 50% to the project, and the pole manager ” Climate and Biodiversity ”, as well as all support services and in particular the legal affairs and financial affairs departments. He / she will have to take ownership of the headquarters procedures. The coordinator will be under the management of the head of the Climate and Biodiversity pole, but will discuss closely the implementation of the project with the project manager at the head office in Paris. The latter monitors the program from Paris. The project manager is the day-to-day contact person within Expertise France for the team as well as for the European Union. As such, the coordinator will invite the head office project manager to relevant team or work meetings. The coordinator will be in charge of reporting to EF in a relevant and timely manner any difficulties in the management of institutional partnerships or in the operational implementation of activities. The coordinator is expected to be a force for proposals in the face of the various obstacles and difficulties encountered. An interview with the division manager and the project manager will take place after the first 3 months of taking up the position, then a second after the first 6 months of taking up the position. Subsequently, annual interviews will be organized between the coordinator, the manager of the “Climate and Biodiversity” pole and the EF project manager to take stock of his / her missions. The coordinator will intervene in particular in the following areas: Operational and strategic management of the project Management of the PCU Administrative and financial management Representation, institutional relations and governance Reporting and contractual relations For more details, consult the terms of reference .