Zero francs for SMEs / SMIs throughout the national territory to connect to drinking water against 110,000 FCFA received previously. This is the reform announced by Camille DANSOU, Director General of SONEB to the media. The connection time is now a maximum of six days. The conference room of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance served as a setting on Monday March 02, 2020 for a press briefing by the Director General of the National Water Company of Benin (SONEB) on the launch of the free connection to the drinking water for Small and medium-sized enterprises then Small and medium-sized industries (SMEs / SMIs) … Zero francs for SMEs / SMIs throughout the national territory to connect to drinking water against 110,000 FCFA received previously. This is the reform announced by Camille DANSOU, Director General of SONEB to the media. The connection time is now a maximum of six days. Any SME or SMI member, owner of its building and having a building permit and the immediate proximity of the water network of the National Water Company of Benin (SONEB) allowing the execution of a connection can apply in line via the SONEB website its initial 15 or 20 gauge connection. In short, apart from free access, it is a dematerialization of the connection procedure that is implemented by SONEB. For Ilyass SINA, Technical Advisor for the follow-up of the reforms of the Minister of Economy and Finance, this reform which comes after so many others initiated by the government of President Patrice TALON aims to improve the business climate in Benin. Connection request possible online on the SONEB website: