Formerly under wraps, the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) is in the process of rekindling itself with the decisive and permanent support of the Minister of the Economy and Finance (MEF) and the dynamism of its staff. Eye and armed wing of the MEF, the IGF deployed on all fronts where it was called upon in 2018. Without fanfare, the year 2018 was lived at a sustained and restless pace at the IGF. Alone or with other inspectorates (justice, health, decentralization, foreign affairs, treasury, etc.), it has been at the forefront of preserving public funds and improving the quality of public spending during this period. year. Pockets of mismanagement were highlighted and appropriate recommendations made. From the public sector (justice, higher education and other sectors) to the parapublic sector via decentralized communities, the IGF has effectively covered, through its activities, all of Benin and its diplomatic representations. It has, with the agreement of the MEF, responded favorably to the increasingly strong requests of other members of the Government and of the Technical and Financial Partners, thus exercising all its prerogatives as a control body with national competence. The density of the activity did not prevent maintaining the quality of the work of the commissions marked by the concern for objectivity in the observations, the rigor in the analysis and the relevance of the recommendations. The IGF has also been present in many forums and think tanks to bring its expertise and sound advice. It continued to support and lead the implementation bodies of the National Integrity System (SNI) of Benin. The year 2018 was also marked by the publication of acts which enshrined the reform of administrative control bodies. It is a reform desired and carried by the authorities at the highest level to enhance and secure the profession of inspector. It introduces a paradigm shift and will make it possible to move from the “inspection-verification” approach to the concept of “internal audit” in all its forms. The purpose of this is to anticipate and prevent the errors observed by the inspections in the management of public affairs. This reform established the IGF as the operational coordination body for the activities of ministerial inspections.