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01/06/2021 Code Général des Impôts 2021 Download
20210202 BENIN MAJOR EVENTS OF 2020 Newsletter Download
20201231 Finance Law for 2021 management Download
20200904 Directory of reference prices for public administration (14th edition) Download
20200804 Code of ethics of the Information Systems Department of the Ministry of the Economy and Finance Download
System of annual activity reports of Administrative Order Control Bodies (COCOA) for the year 2019 Download
20200720 Annual Activity Report 2019 of the General Inspectorate of Finance Download
20200402 Interministerial Order on the organization and functioning of the electronic directory of movable securities of the RCCM Download
20200101 Finance Law 2020 Download
20170208 Budgetary calendar of tasks relating to the preparation of the finance law for management 2016 Download
20200101 Growth Program for Sustainable Development (PC2D) 2018-2021 Download
20141115 PEFA report Download
20200501 Budget 2019 information Download

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